Your first order
Choose your product in our different ranges with the search tool. You can search with the item N° or with key word.
You will access to a list of product with short informations and product availability. You can access to the detailed description clicking on “See”.
Once on the page, you will have detailed description. You may find also a list of complementary products or spares in a separate page, or the different variations in a rolling menu. You have then the possibility to put the product or a spare in the basket.
Once the product is in the basket, you can modify the quantity. Some items, because of their specifications, can not be carried to your home. In this case you will have to take them off in a shop, as well as the other products of the basket. If you prefer to receive at home the products that could be delivered at home, it is better you make 2 different baskets.
Validate you basket
Once the products are choosen, and the basket validated, you have to:
Identify or create an account
Choose delivery way and indicate your delivery address,
Accept general sales conditions by ticking off the appropriate square on the page that resume your order.
Once the way of payment choosen, you have to proceed for the payment of your order, this will formalize the sale contract between you and AD NAUTIC.
Way of delivery
Products bought on AD website are delivered in France, DOM-TOM and west Europe. In case you would like to be delivered in Spain, you have to by on the Spanish version of our website ( As well if you want to be delivered in Italy, you have to by on the Italien version of our website (
You can choose to be delivered free of charge in any shop of the AD network.
The parcel will be delivered at the address you have indicated on your order.
For all questions relating to a product, the website navigation, your order, or the after-sales service, an AD advisor is at your side. You can reach us either via the "Helpdesk" by clicking here, or by contacting your favorite AD store (see list of stores)